Director, Million Hoodies for Justice
Dante Barry is a Black writer, grassroots organizer, and digital campaigner. Dante is currently at the helm of the country’s leading racial justice membership organization to end mass criminalization and gun violence, Million Hoodies Movement for Justice (MHJ). MHJ develops the next generation of leaders to end anti-black racism and systemic violence through grassroots organizing, advocacy, and education. We are building a racial justice movement committed to creating a democracy where all Black and Brown people have social, political, cultural, and economic freedom and the right to be safe. As the Executive Director, Dante works out of the national office. Previously, Dante led organizing, policy, and leadership development programs at the Center for Media Justice, the Roosevelt Institute, and School Based Health Alliance
Dante frequently contributes new ideas and analysis on racial justice and participatory democracy for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, NPR, MSNBC, Democracy Now, The Nation Magazine, The Guardian, Huffington Post, EBONY Magazine, Truthout, and has been published in, The Future We Want: Radical Ideas for the New Century. In 2015, Dante presented at the Personal Democracy Forum and discussed the role of technology and social movements. Currently Dante sits on the board of the Andrew Goodman Foundation and has been honored by Revolt TV, The Root, andHuffington Post Black Voices. A graduate of Monmouth University, Dante received his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Communications.