
Darrion Smith

Darrion Smith is an Activist and Freedom Fighter. that fights for the rights of all oppressed people. Darrion is a Rank & File Member of  United Electrical Local 150 The North Carolina Public Service Workers Union (UE Local 150 NCPSWU). Darrion serves as UE Local 150 DHHS Council Chair, the council consist of 12 Rank & File Members that work in member institutions of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. As UE Local 150 DHHS Council we meet with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Secretary and their staff to discuss Policy’s, Safety,Treatment, Raises, and Rights of DHHS Workers. As a Rank & File Member Darrion has also served as UE Eastern Region Trustee. As Trustee Darrion twice a year along with other trustee members audited the books of the UE Eastern Region. Darrion has now been elected by other Rank & File Members to the position of UE Eastern Region Vice President. As a Rank & File Member of UE Local 150 Darrion participates along with other Rank & File Members in Political Action Days which consist of meting with Senators and House Representatives in the North Carolina General Assembly about the State of Workers in North Carolina as well as in our Communities. As a Rank & File Member of UE Local 150 Darrion has met with Newly elected North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper to discuss Collective Bargaining, Union Access to State Facilities, Pay Raises, Cost of living, and more Worker Friendly Laws. Darrion is also a member of Black Workers For Justice (BWFJ). Black Workers For Justice was very instrumental in the organizing and amalgamating of UE Local 150. As a member of BWFJ, Darrion has participated in several solidarity actions with Muslims For Social Justice, NAACP, Fight for 15, Duke Graduate Student Union, HKonJ ( Historic Thousands on Jones Street March), Southern Workers Assembly ( SWA), Peoples Climate Movement March for Jobs and Justice in Washington D.C. and several other actions. Darrion also performs with the Cultural Arm of Black Workers For Justice Th Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble.

My Sessions